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The Camino de Santiago is one of those experiences that must be described in parts. Because only in this way is it possible to enter the well-deserved detail that it claims. And in today’s chapter we fully enter the stage that leads to Pamplona, ​​the first of the great cities that pilgrims pass through before reaching Santiago de Compostela. Of all the sections, it is perhaps the one that runs between Larrasoaña and the capital of Navarra that attracts the most attention as it unfolds loaded with medieval bridges of recognized prestige.

And, of course, when you pass through Zubiri, on the French Way, you can enjoy another famous bridge of Rabies, to which the curative property of rabies disease is attributed to every animal that crosses it. A power that is presumed since the discovery of the mortal remains of Santa Quiteria (lawyer against rabies).

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