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People’s Inspiration and Reasons for doing the Camino

This is an interesting conversation topic; both the reasons for and maybe the reasons why not to ask someone so quickly on the Camino. Although quite often it is the first question people ask each other, oblivious to the often times personal journey a person may have come along. As ironically, this story comes out naturally whilst conversing with a stranger/ fellow pilgrim when walking together over a couple of days.

Friendships and Relationships

Here you can also  make  amazing and meaningful friendships. The people you meet on the Camino present an amazing opportunity in anyone’s life. Perhaps you feel sad to leave your friends and your life behind in order to have this experience but quickly you will be really  grateful for meeting yet more amazing people who will be forever a part of your life.

Actually, if you’re a musician, bringing your instrument might be a perfect idea to get to know people.  The extra weight and discomfort is more than worth it for the experiences. It is the easiest way to start a conversation even if you do not share the same language.  Also great if you like to have random musical jams with an international group of people over coffee at your first break at 9am in the morning. You will be surprised of how much musical talent you can find on the Camino.

Generosity and the Universe Providing what you Need

For sure you will experience an overwhelming amount of generosity that may well be profound and life changing. And notably very timely, often when you really need things, not a case of wanted. Pay attention and you will see  how this continue to happen to you on the Camino. Kind words and meaningful compliments will come from people you hardly know but will help you and reassure you during times of insecurity.

For good.

The Camino will be  part of your life while doing it but also afterwards as it  provides an enormous amount of time for reflection on life and the important things, in the company of like-minded people. It does not mean that you will escape from certain  ‘non-Camino’ experiences along the way or ‘non-Camino’ like people, but try to choose not to dwell on these or acknowledge them further by discussing details. Let the good outweigh the negative, and cause no distraction.

Be always positive and have a BUEN CAMINO!!!


Image: Dreamstime


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